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Business Overview


2110 acre eco-village destination resort in southern Oregon, USA in development is planned to have 450 homes, 23 green anchor businesses.  We are expanding our think-tank committees with visionary university departments, design & engineering and research firms to work with our integrative engineering team in "The World's First Integrated Smart Grid Eco-Village Destination Resort Community in a Sustainable Model of Responsible Stewardship on 2,110 Acres with Off-Grid Renewable Green Energy.” 


We are developing a one-of-a-kind, off-the-grid, sustainable living eco-village destination resort facility that also functions as a living laboratory enabling perma-culture designers, sustainable community planners, architects, engineers and researchers world-wide to see how our 450 homes and 23 Green Businesses are integrated to showcase sustainable engineering systems that includes state-of-the-art green technologies in all aspects of our eco-village engineering that includes our Rogue River water harvesting, canal distribution system with diverter channel coming right off the scenic Rogue River integrating Agriculture Systems, Green Building, Ranch & Livestock, Hydro-Electric/Solar Power Systems, Living Biological Sewage System and much more— all part of our integrative engineering systems. 


The heart of the Rogue River Eco Village production systems function from its integrated engineering systems in water harvesting/distribution, industrial hemp- crete farming integrated with biomass aggregate building and biogas production, solar and hydro-electric energy production; biological living sewage, and aqua- culture, aquaponics and organic farm food producing systems.  Each of the 5 bio-engineering systems below are integrated where there is holistic interaction into all the eco systems that creates many renewable and sustainable benefits using innovative and proprietary stewardship techniques and management practices.


        1.   Living Biological Waste Processing System

        2.   Renewable Biogas Energy Producing System

        3.   Aquaponics and Farm Producing Systems

        4.   Bio-aggregate Hempcrete Producing System

        5.   Water Harvesting, Distribution & Treatment System

1.    Living Biological Waste Processing System

Utilizing the existing natural wetlands topography at Rogue Rover Eco Village, there already exists a desired wetland eco-system that can be integrated to develop a constructed wetland system involving a diverse range of planted vegetation with potential for tidal cycles of filling and draining the wetland in accelerated tidal action to passively bring oxygen into the wetland cells.  Such a system could involve a series of wetland cells/basins that are alternately flooded and drained to create multiple tidal cycles each day mimicking nature, resulting in high quality reusable water.  Tidal cycles could be used to passively bring oxygen into the wetland cells.  For the winter colder climate, greenhouse(s) could be constructed to keep water temperatures warm so that plants do not winterize.


The micro-ecosystem of a Living Biological Waste Processing System can be integrated with the macro-ecosystem just as ecosystems fade into one another naturally in nature.  This connection can be made with an outdoor constructed or natural wetland into which the effluent flows.  Some of the design system can be partially or completely open to the outdoors promoting interaction with the surrounding environment.  Locally grown bacteria and non-predatory fish can be added to surface flow constructed wetlands to eliminate or reduce pests, such as mosquitos.  Finals stages of the design system can integrate into food production eco systems, water management systems and water recycling systems that are integrated into orchards, farm sections, gardens, greenhouses.


2.    Renewable Biofuel Energy Producing System

Additional area of Living Biological Waste Processing System design includes reviewing integrative engineering applications where there is a natural compatibility in the eco systems of Biogas and Algae Fuels that an be designed within this Living Biological Waste Processing System.  Examine how algae biofuel in algaculture (farming algae) can be produced using wastewater and sewage sludge treatment.  Review integrated waste management system using anaerobic digestion in biodegradable waste and sewage sludge, algae and bacteria conversion of organic acids, acetic acid, ammonia, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide and methanogens into methane, carbon dioxide, methanogenic archaea populations in anaerobic wastewater treatments.  Similar review of aquaponics system using methane digesters.  Focus in biogas production involves clean generator renewable battery power charging/storage for green golf carts and battery powered vehicles; and applications for liquid continuous flow battery bank charging system.


3.    Aquaponics and Farm Producing Systems

Additional area of  Living Biological Waste Processing System design include reviewing integrative engineering applications where there is a natural compatibility in the eco systems of Food Producing Systems that can be integrated within this Living Biological Waste Processing System-- Aquaponics Fish Hatchery, Fruit & Nut Orchards, Green Houses, Gardens, Cluster Farming sections, Agroforestry.


4.    Bio-aggregate Hempcrete Producing System

Additional area of Living Biological Waste Processing System design include reviewing integrative engineering applications where there is a natural compatibility in the eco systems of Hempcrete Bio-aggregate Farming that can be integrated within this Living Biological Waste Processing System.  Hempcrete bio-aggregate Industrial farm is a major investment in the Rogue River Eco Village for its  supreme bio-composite material, a mixture of hemp hurds  and lime, sand, used as a material for construction and insulation.  Hempcrete is an untapped trillion dollar industry in USA that replaces OSB, Drywall and conventional insulation.


5.   Water Harvesting, Distribution & Treatment System

One of the principal central engineering systems at the Rogue River Eco Village Destination Resort is our complex water system integrating an all natural water harvesting, canal distribution system with diverter channel coming right off the scenic Rogue River integrating Agriculture Systems, Green Building, Ranch & Livestock, Hydro-Electric/Solar Power Systems, Living Biological Sewage System and much more— all part of our integrative engineering systems.   


The entire water system is a spectacular intricate water system design in harvesting, distribution, treatment, delivery systems, storage,  conservation, efficiency, and filtered instream returns.   Borrowing from the ancient Mesopotamian and Byzantine civilizations, the Rogue River Eco Village design systems is a series of rock banked water canal circuits, interfacing with seasonal creeks, collection ponds, rain cisterns, storm rain run-off catches, irrigation ponds and over flows return water back to the reservoir lake with overflow systems designed for in-stream return back to the Rogue River.  This water system improves the efficiency of hydro power production, range land conservancy programs, water storage, water filtration, and storm run offs from creeks.   All the dedicated water distribution circuits for agriculture, green homes, farmland, gardens, greenhouses, orchards, aquaponics, energy production, water recycling, and in-stream returns to the Rogue River are all designed into a comprehensive integrated engineering water delivery system using the highest standards that exceeds the regulatory compliance of all federal and state regulatory agencies.


Industrial hemp is legal to grow in more than 30 countries.  France and Belgium have the largest volume of hempcrete structures. Australia and Denmark are expanding hempcrete building.  England, Austria, Romania and Canada are also expanding hempcrete-based building.  USA has no momentum of hempcrete-based industry at this current time.   The United States is one of the few industrialized nations that does not currently allow the cultivation of industrial hemp. Millions of dollars worth of hemp is imported into the United States each year in order to fulfill the growing demand for hemp products. The annual retail sales for hemp products was estimated at $620 million in 2014.  Much of it is being sourced from Canada, China, and other countries.


Hempcrete is projected to be a trillion dollar industry in USA alone and can transform the green building and sustainable community building industry.   With the passing of the 2014 federal farm bill section 7606, farmers in USA states with industrial hemp legislation are allowed to grow and harvest hemp in conjunction with their state departments of agriculture for research through pilot programs.   In January 2015, the Industrial Hemp Farming Act was introduced by Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] and Senate Judiciary committees in the House and Senate H.R. 525 and S. 134.  If passed, all current restrictions on the cultivation of industrial hemp would be removed, along with its classification as a Schedule 1 controlled substance. 

A.   Research Center & Hempcrete ICC/IBC Compliance

The Rogue River Eco Village Destination Resort is positioned with its proposed research facility to create a Hempcrrete research pilot program with its research and engineering partners.  Hempcrete industrial farming & processing is the perfect sustainable green building aggregate research vehicle that can have many benefits in the strategic planning involving many areas of permaculture research and design.  

Planning is underway to be the first to get the ICC (International  Code Council) building code compliance on hempcrete which has major benefits in the hempcrete research program.  Bringing the (International  Code Council into our strategiic resource partnership team will bring many favorable research protocols in the research studies, acceptance criteria,, reference standards guidelines, testing methodologies, scope of recognition, requirements in building codes, and the publishing of code compliance resulting in the Evaluation Service Report.


Our proposed Hempcrete research program networks international resources to provide and integrate existing hempcrete research, data and  analysis studies that will enable the networking with top researchers, international hempcrete farms and other resources.  


We are expanding our strategic partnerships with Hemprete building contractor experts in Canada and Australia and receiving university studies on Hempcrete.  The hempcrete research will be the main launch of our research center and be expanded into other strategic partnerships with a Regional Coalition of Hempcrete Farmers.   Oregon State University, College of Agricultural sciences in Corvallis OR has a 30 acre research farm in Central Point Oregon that is 12 miles from our Rogue River Eco Village project and will be a good strategic partner in some of the proposed research programs.

B.   Industrial Hempcrete Farm Strategic Planning for Sales Operations

We see hempcrete as being a major green building bioaggregate in the green building industry.  Our Hempcrete research project will crossover into private sector operations with hempcrete farming, processing, sales and distribution in Oregon and northern CA.  Our initial sales territory launch in Oregon and northern CA that will boost the national sustainable building industry movements to create rapidly expanding markets to expand our Coalition of Hemp Farmers by increasing more regional hempcrete farms.  Secondary revenue markets include a national sales distribution network with our proprietary ICC code compliant Hempcrete products to contractors, architects, permaculture designers, owner home builders.  The Hempcrete research program also crosses over into other revenue programs involving  lectures, workshops, seminars, symposiums.

C.   Industrial Hempcrete Farm & CLT Lumber Mill Partnerships

                                (Cross Laminating Timber)

We are reviewing our resources to develop CLT (Cross Laminating Timber) part- nerships with mills and timber farms to work with our eco village design systems involving our network of engineers, green architects and landscape architects.   CLT is the next big paradigm shift iin sustainable timber building.   The first CLT plant in North America recently reached a ICC code compliance and we see a similar strategic process with ICC hempcrete building code compliance.  We are in the planning stages to build a pilot program integrating CLT with hempcrete in green building system both residential and commercial applications.


D.   Hempcrete/Bio-Aggregate Farming & Solar Farm Integration

There is another capability to integrate hempcrete farming and other bio-aggregate plants  into our solar energy farm in development where new technologies can be used to optimize bioaggegate plants grown in a solar array that can increase the efficiency of solar energy production by reducing temperature and promoting increased photonic energy uptake in multi layer solar cells.  We are integrating bioaggregate farming into the solar farm.  This would allow combining 2 eco- production systems saving space, increasing energy yield and enable integrative engineering applications.  We are also reviewing biogas production of the such crops that can be integrated.


E.  Industrial Hempcrete Coalition of Regional Farms

Our research and advisory  team agrees that a new paradigm of sustainable design could rapidly be accelerated with Hempcrete industrial farming.  We believe Hempcrete building will be the catalyst to integrate and bridge bio-systems engineering, ecological engineering, water systems engineering, green architecture and agriculture into a biodynamic living system that employs integrative engineering.  We have completed the preliminary research stages to develop a Regional Coalition of Hempcrete Farmers in southern Oregon where many farmers want to participate and join our proposed Regional Coalition of Hempcrete Farmers.  Our hempcrete research program and research center will work together to create the guidelines, protocols, training, design and compliancy standards for hempcrete farmers in the regional coalitions.

Revenue Markets


Anchor 1

The 2110 acre Rogue River Eco Village Destination Resort (RREVDR) has many different revenue streams from many different markets. The integration of the 450 green home eco village, ecotourism lodging with 23 green businesses provides an international attraction in a wide demographic range of international ecotourists.  With the growth of eco tourism and geotourism   growing  3  times  faster  than  conventional tourism.  This global spread out-performs  mass  tourism  and  is  transforming  conventional  tourism  because  of  stronger  consumer demand  to  learn  about geography, culture, sustainability, sustainable living, eco village lifestyles, renewable green technologies and environmental enhancement.


The Rogue River Eco Village Destination Resort is uniqely designed, marketed and positioned to be a international iconic eco village destination resort capitalizing on a diverse range of  eco tourism and geo tourism packages and vacation plans sold to individuals, families, groups. non profits, churches, corporations, Fortune 500, schools, colleges, universities.  A comprehensive international sales network will feature RREVDR in national and state tourism agencies, travel agencies, travel agents, vacation planners, event planners, that specialize in the promotion, education, international networking, marketing in the following areas that involve RREVDR international marketing:

Sustainable Tourism                                                  

Tourism  that  makes  a low  impact  on  the  environment and  local  culture  while  creating  future green  employment  for  local  people. Sustainable  tourism  means  "First,  do  no  harm."    Serving  as the foundation for destination stewardship, it protects its product-- the destination.

Eco Tourism

Focuses  on  nature  as  a  niche  tourism  market  where  tourists  travel to  relatively undisturbed  natural  areas  with specific  objectives  to study,  admire,  and  enjoy the  scenery  of  wild plants and animals in a local culture environment. study,  admire,  and  enjoy the  scenery  of  wildplants and animals in a local culture environment.

Agri Tourism

Focuses on  agriculture  or  ranch-based  operation  that  brings
visitors.; referred as farm  stays,  guest ranches,  agritourists  choose  diverse activities-- pick  fruits  and  vegetables; ride  horses;  feed animals, navigate  corn mazes;  buy farm  stand  produce;  farm  B&B  stays; taste  honey;  wine  and  cheese-making  tours;  cattle  round-ups;  shop  for  farm  gifts & crafts; work on  ranches, mountain  trails  hiking;  attend  agriculture  &  environmental  related festivals, harvest, blossom, pumpkin, organic farm, alternative energy, green fairs.

EcoVillage Tourism

Emerging niche eco-tourism trend inviting public or groups to visit and engage in  green living open-house and green building tours in different types of ecovillage designs, functions and uses. Visitors learn the values & types of different eco village community designs, lifestyle, policies, visions, consensus processes, shared resource such as tools, transportation, childcare;  shared common areas can include community gardens, recreation, pool and spa, tennis, basketball, workshop, children play areas, clubhouse amphitheater for large events, small gatherings, .  Eco Village tourism emphasizes how green communities use fewer of the earth's resources, power of community and affordable housing.

Green Technology Tourism

New emerging green tourism  that  focuses on Sustainable Living and Green Building festivals and expos. that feature new and advancing green technologies in a diverse range a of sustainability, from renewable energy and water efficiency, waste management and biodiversity to social and ethical choices  with consumer education in acheiveing net zero carbon impact.

Geo Tourism

Focuses  on  nature  as  a  niche  tourism  market  where  tourists  travel to  relatively undisturbed  natural  areas  with specific  objectives  to study,  admire,  and  enjoy the  scenery  of  wild
plants and animals in a local culture environment.

Nature Tourism

Focuses on responsible tourism travel to natural areas and unspoiled places to experience & enjoy nature.  Emphasis on conserving the environment & improving the welfare of local people on the natural attractions of an area.  Activities include bird watching, photography, stargazing, camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, and visiting parks with interests in a diversity of natural and cultural resources in a rich natural, cultural, or historical experience with emphasis in conservation of wildlife habitat

Adventure Tourism

Nature tourism travel that involves physical skills, endurance & degree of risk-taking that  can be physically challenging;; involv- ing exploration in an “unusual, exotic, remote, or wilderness desti- nation;  Tourists are engaged with activities that can include risk and can require specialized skills and physical exertion in physical activity in a cultural exchange and connection with nature-- includes mountaineering, trekking, bungee jumping, mountain biking, canoeing, scuba diving, rafting, kayaking, zip-lining, para- gliding, hiking, exploring, caving and rock climbing.

Cultural Tourism

New emerging green tourism  that  focuses on Sustainable Living and Green Building festivals and expos. that feature new and advancing green technologies in a diverse range a of sustainability, from renewable energy and water efficiency, waste management and biodiversity to social and ethical choices  with consumer education in acheiveing net zero carbon impact.


An expanding Tourism Travel which includes volunteering where visitors donate time on their vacation. Visitors volunteer to conduct and contribute a wide range of activities including en- vironmental management, re-vegetation, conservation,  environ- mental  monitoring,. ecological  restoration or  visitors  contribute  with scientific  research  and  education  to promote sustainable  environment or educating others about the natural environment Lodging and food can be made in trade.  World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF, or Willing Workers on Organic Farms, is a global network of national organizations that facilitate placement of volunteers on organic farms.

Many different types of RREVDR events, activities, festivals. expos and performances can be bundled in destination resort packages including food, lodging, amphitheater & festival ground events, camping, 25 recreational programs, nature activities, water sports, green resort tours and 18 Kidsville programs and activities. Festival grounds and amphitheater events are bundled  in different packages to accommodate event producers, promoters, corporate and trade show event planners.  Worldwide attractions  bring in a diverse range of large, medium and small group scale event venues. Fortune 500 corporations worldwide will be booking RREVDR retreat packages for corporate and employee events bundled with RREVDR Amphitheater and Festival Ground rental packages.  The amphitheater has many opportunities for co-creating  and co-producing event venue packages with RREVDR 22 Green Anchor Businesses including Vineyard and Winery events, Equine Center events, Eco Farm events and Eco Ranch events.  RREVDR will have membership programs and strategic and alliance partnership programs and promotional programs with many international organizations, assoications, societies including the following-- 

World Tourism Organization, Global Sustainable Tourism Council, Travel Foundation, Sustainable Living and Green Living festivals, Green Tourism Association, World Travel and Tourism Council, Rainforest Alliance, The International Eco Tourism Council, Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism,  Earth Check Organization, BEST EN--Building Excellence In Sustainable Tourism Education Network, Responsible Travel Organization, International Ecotourism Society, ECOCLUB, Green Travel, Eartfoot EcoTour, Sustainable Tourism Case Studies, International Bicycle Fund, Big Volcano Ecotourism Resource Center,

National Geographic Geotourism Program,  National Geographic Society,

National Geographic Society - Precious Geographical Sustainable Tourism Charter, National Geographic 'Geographical Tourism Program, National Geographic G.S.T , (Geographical Sustainable Tourism) Charter, Travel Industry Association of America, Global Geoparks Network, Missouri State University's Geographical Sustainable Tourism Program,

The World Directory of Ecotourism Organizations, Green Hotels Association, Responsible Travel,

Sustainable Tourism Task Force,Sustainable Travel International, Agritourism World, National Agritourism Professionals Association, Farmers Inspired,  US and Canada Farmers Market Association, Agricultural Marketing Resource Center,  Oregon Farmers’ Market Association, Iowa State University Agricultural Marketing Resource Center, World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF), Willing Workers on Organic Farms, Adventure Travel Trade Association


Many different residential and commercial real estate lot sales, leases, construction loans, design and build packages are created within the homeowners association and business owners association.  The RVEVDR development has outlined a charter to operate as a quasi-municipality corporate entity and HOA integrating 450 green homes with 22 Green Anchor Businesses. 



Residents and Green Businesses will use the applicable RREVDR green renewable electricity, water, sewage, waste management and all the destination resort services listed in the RREVDR Home Owner and Green Anchor Business Agreement.  The RVEVDR development has outlined a charter to operate as a quasi-municipality corporate entity and HOA integrating 450 green homes with 22 Green Anchor Businesses.    Additional water permits and subdivision rights can be issued to designated residential and commercial building projects.


RREVDR will be eligible for designation as a quasi-municipality status entity.  A HOA integrating 450 green homes and 22 green businesses-- Business Owners Association (BOA) will structure  fee based associations for the purpose of marketing, managing, and selling homes and businesses and to make and enforce rules, regulatory compliance in the green building committees for the properties in its jurisdiction.  Each association will create its own governing documents that include the covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&R's) and corporate documents that can also include board-enacted rules.

The RREVDR Home Owners Association (HOA) and Business Owners Association (BOA) are 2 separate legal associations that both work together to improve, protect and preserve the quality of the green community lifestyle.   Both Associations work together to maintain the integrity and sustenance of the RREVDR green community. The HOA works closely with the Coalition of 22 Green Anchor Businesses and Business Owners Association) to administrate and manage many maintenance programs, projects, committees, and eco-village amenities that homeowners, residents. business owners and strategic partners can use in this unique destination resort.  These resident amenities and resident programs include the following:

1.    Green Architectural Committee

2.    Municipality Designation

3.    Community Center Clubhouse

4.    Organic Cafeteria

5.    Potlucks & Party Events

6.    CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) 

7.    Community Gardens

8.    Community Gardens

9.    Private Gardens

10.  Amphitheater Events

11.  Housekeeping

12.  Wells

13.  Volunteering

14.  Childcare

15.  Utilities-- water, energy, sewage, trash

16.   Roads & Trails Maintenance

17.   Lighting

18.   Smart Meters

19.   Landscape

20.   Electrical

21.   Plumbing

22.   Heating & Air Conditioning

23.   Fire & Safety

24.   Music & Art

25.   Potlucks & Party Events

26.   Electronic Bulletin Board

27.   Parking & Transportation

28.   Security & Complaints

29.   Gate Security

30.   Guest Passes

31.   Recreation Room

32.   Swimming Pool

33.   Jacuzzi

34.   Tennis

35.   Volleyball

36.   Horseriding

37.   Kayaking

38.   Gold Panning

39.   White Water Rafting

40.   Petting Zoo

41.   Wilderness Treks

42.   Llama Treks

43.   Mountain Bike Riding

44.   Fishing

45.   Health Spa


The 23 Green Anchor Businesses listed below will be the principal members of the Business Owners Association,  The Coalition of 23 Green Anchor Businesses and BOA is an important part of the RREVDR marketing campaigns where ecotourism agencies worldwide will book various types of RREVDR destination retreat packages.   Each of the 23 Green Businesses are networked into ecological, social and economic sustainability businesses committees while working together in RREVDR marketing and cross-promotion campaigns internationally.   Their expertise, dedication, experience, resources and management in their respective eco-resort green business service adds value to the RREVDR intellectual property and greatly expands RREVDR branding in ecotourism and geotourism internationally.  


Each Green Business will purchase land parcels for their anchor business and will fund and build their own separate business infrastructure developments, construction, employee base and have their own separate business identity and proprietary equipment.   They will be able to use the applicable RREVDR renewable energy electricity, water, sewage, waste management and all the destination resort services listed in the RREVDR Green Anchor Business Agreement.  Principal Equity Investors and additional investors have options to invest in the designated 22 green anchor businesses and options are available to create equity strategic partnerships and expand existing or create new portfolios in their business developments.   All of the 23 anchor businesses are developed and structured as multi-million dollar annual revenue generators..

  1.    Green Eco Village Developer

  2.    Hydro-Electric, Solar, Battery Energy Systems

  3.    Equine Center

  4.    Eco Ranch

  5.    Eco Farm

  6.    Agriculture & Permaculture Research Center

  7.    Outdoor Amphitheater & Festival Grounds

  8.    Resort Lodging

  9.    Health & Spa Center

10.    Aquaponics Fish Hatchery

11.    Dogland & Animal Eco-Resort

12.   Organic Vineyard & Winery

13.   Rogue River Store & Rental Shop

14.   Living Biological Sewage System

15.   Water Harvesting, Treatment & Delivery Systems

16.   Community Center & Organic Cafeteria

17.   Learning Center

18.   Recreation Department

19.   Kidsville

20.   Indigenous Indian Village

21.   Wilderness Treks & Overnight Campouts

22.   Home Owners Association

23.    Hempcrete Farm & Processing Plant


The Research Center is positioned to create strategic, alliance and equity business partnerships with its Researchers, Engineers, Manufactures, Green Architects, Sustainable Community Planners, Landscape Architects, Permaculture Designers, Institutes, University, Design & Engineering Firms,  The entire RREVDR functions as a living laboratory enabling many types of research and development projects to be developed through the RREVDR Research Center.  The Hempcrete Research Project is a major research division of the Research Center.

With its integrated engineering team and the Coalition of 22 Green Businesses, many designated state-of-the-art green technologies and innovative  land stewardship and management practices can be beta tested, studied and applied in all aspects of our eco-village engineering that includes the innovative Rogue River water harvesting, canal distribution system with diverter channel coming right off the scenic Rogue River integrating Agriculture Systems, Green Building, Ranch & Livestock, Hydro-Electric/Solar Power Systems, Living Biological Sewage System that are all part of our integrative engineering design systems. 

Equity Partnerships & Intellectual Property Development

R & D projects with manufacturers, university departments, investors, sponsors can be developed into equity partnerships.  Intellectual property, working prototypes, beta testing and  patents can be developed with the RREVDR strategic and equity partners.


Internship and Apprentice Programs

Internship and apprentice programs can be structured in different research & development projects with design and engineering firms and university departments.   Different types of think tanks, research committees, peer review studies can be integrated into Internship and apprentice programs.


Workshops, Lectures, Seminars, Symposiums

Workshops, lectures, seminars, symposiums, peer review studies can all be administered in the Research Center.   Working with the RREVDR Learning Center and  RREVDV Sales & Marketing Department, the Research Center can structure many different workshops, lectures, seminars and symposiums with its strategic partners that can be integrated into eco tourism packages marketed worldwide.


Sustainable Living Expos & Green Building Festivals

There are many creative & visionary ideas and outlines set in place to develop international sponsors and advertisers to create green building festivals, ,sustainable community and renewable energy expos on the RREVDR 45 acre festival grounds.   Event venues can showcase new green tech- nologies in a wide range of integrative engineering design systems featuring new products and technology that the Research Center is beta testing, developing and designing.  The Expos and Green Building Festivals can integrate the RREVDR outdoor amphitheater bundled with destination resort packages including food, lodging, camping, 25 recreational programs, nature & green tourism activities, green resort tours and 18 Kidsville programs and activities. 


Co-Produced Green Venue Events

Festival grounds and amphitheater event venues can be co-produced with the Research Center and other international producers, promoters, corporate and trade show event planners worldwide to produce a diverse range of large or medium scale event venues.  Fortune 500 corporations worldwide will be booking RREVDR retreat packages for corporate and employee events bundled with RREVDR Amphitheater and Festival Ground rental packages.  The Research Center  has many opportunities for co-creating  and co-producing event venue packages with the Coalition of 22 Green Anchor Businesses including Vineyard and Winery, Equine Center, Eco Farm, Eco Ranch and Living Biological Sewage Departments.

The World's First Integrated Smart Grid Eco-Village Destination Resort Community in a Sustainable
Model of Responsible Stewardship on 2,110 Acres with Off-Grid Renewable Green Energy
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