The Rogue River Eco-Village Destination Resort (RREVDR) develop- ment project is 2110 acres that consists of many diff- erent size lots in some of the most spectacular rural, undeveloped land in southern Oregon in Jackson County between Central Point and Gold Hill located on a scenic bend of the Rogue River. It is currently zoned as agricultural land however Jackson County Planning De- partment has reviewed this development project and has expressed capabilities of seeing this land rezoned as a “destination re- sort.” Jackson County Planning Department has shown interest in this project and expressed interest to be a potential logistical support strategic partner on the RREVDR development project to assist in the development staging and planning and coordination with County, State and Federal agency involvement in regulatory compliance in the feasibility studies and design specifications.

There are other benefits in working with Jackson County Planning Department including the Jackson County Land parcels that borders the Rogue River. RREVDR can potentially expand its river frontage eco-tourism and recreational resort programs in participation with Jackson County Land and other Oregon State agencies. RREVDR can potentially expand scenic trails leading to the river front with specific programs, tours, guided nature hikes, guided group kayak- ing and rafting, salmon and steel head fishing, llama treks to Table Rock, nearby recreated Takelma Indigenous Indian Village program activities with guided group tours, and more.
There is a series of different maps of the 2,110 acres showing spe- cific information of all the parcels listed below. Please Contact Us if you are interested to review the maps and learn more specific development information.
Maps oF RREVDR 2110 Acres
Parcels with township, range section
Acreage size of lot number
Collector Roads
Trails & Creeks
River Frontage Parcels
Irrigation Water Rights
Lower Table Rock Sacred Sites
Oregon State Fish & Wildlife
Jackson County